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  • Dan E.

    "Thanks for following up, we did purchase the 700, I am surprised and impressed with how little water and salt it uses, already we have seen lower water bills. I was also pleased to be able to install it myself. Yes, we would recommend an Aquamaster"

  • Doug H., AquaMaster Dealer

    “We have been selling Aquamaster products since April 2002 and have been thrilled with the results. We have sold dozens of softeners and several RO systems with virtually no service issues. We highly recommend this product."

  • J.R.

    "I am quite happy with the softener, it gets my recommendation to my friends and family because of its small size, integrated tank, and the fact it has a demand mode instead of a timer."

  • Erica R., AquaMaster Dealer

    "In the midst of the recession, AquaMaster has been a real boon to us. It’s something new, and exciting, and different. It has features that translate into real benefits. Being the only ones in the area who sell AquaMaster makes us stand out in the marketplace. It’s given us a real boost."

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